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عبد الله نهاري: المرابطون في #فلسطين🇵🇸 ليسوا منحرفين يا #عثمان_الخميس وأبعد الناس عن الشبهة #اكسبلور محمد مهدي التبر Mohammed Mehdi TBER


"Unheard Echoes (Last Song)" - Powerful Arabic Metal Song About Injustice on Suno 🎶 Mohammed Mehdi TBER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK3DiwY0Xd4 This song is a final cry from an artist disillusioned by Suno's biased policies. 💔 It highlights the challenges independent artists face in the digital music world, where talented voices are often overlooked in favor of paid, trivial content. 🎶 With powerful Arabic Metal instrumentation and passionate vocals, the song expresses anger and sadness, but also resilience and faith in God. ✊ This is the artist's last song on Suno, as they choose to leave a platform that doesn't value true artistry. 👋 **Listen to the lossy version on Suno and show your support!** 🎧🔥➡️ [https://suno.com/song/7a57cf91-f8a9-4b6d-94f0-ca758b9d7a74](https://suno.com/song/7a57cf91-f8a9-4b6d-94f0-ca758b9d7a74) [Intro] [Instrumental Build-up] [Arabic Oud Prelude] [Arabic Oud strumming softly, setting an ancient, mysterious tone. A gradual build-up with deep, resonant bass notes and light cymbal touches. The electric guitar joins in with a haunting melody, creating an air of anticipation. The drums kick in with a powerful, rhythmic beat, growing in intensity. The Oud and electric guitar blend together, weaving a tapestry of sound that crescendos into a powerful riff, leading into the first verse.] [Verse 1] [Bright Woman Voice] [Brooding riffs] [Desert Storm] [Vocals: Brooding and Controlled] In Suno's realm where music thrives I gave my all, but no surprise Each note I crafted, each line I penned Lost in shadows, a fate they send [Rising tension] [Whispered Rage] [Vocals: Gradually Intensifying] Updates fast, they never heed Our voices lost, our needs unfreed Trivial tunes, they raise up high While my art, they just pass by [Chorus] [Heavy riff] [Sunset Sonata] [Vocals: Powerful and Defiant] Hidden gems, buried deep Suno's choices, I won't keep Bias clear, a cruel mislead In this digital age, I proceed [Verse 2] [Intense strumming] [Searing Truths] [Vocals: Passionate and Resilient] I watched my efforts fade away In this game they force us to play High-quality, integrity pure But paid users, trends ensure [Bridge] [Haunting Oud melody] [Lost Elegy] [Vocals: Emotional and Haunting] Discord severed, bonds untied Mocked and scorned, they tried to hide Banned unfair, no reason why But in God, I rely [Chorus] [Heavy riff] [Sunset Sonata] [Vocals: Powerful and Defiant] Hidden gems, buried deep Suno's choices, I won't keep Bias clear, a cruel mislead In this digital age, I proceed [Solo] [Explosive Guitar] [Desert Flame] [Solo Extended] [Solo...] [Break] My last song, a silenced cry In this place, I can't comply Talented voices, swept aside In Suno's realm, we won't abide [Rising tension] [Whispered Rage] [Vocals: Gradually Intensifying] Updates fast, they never heed Our voices lost, our needs unfreed Trivial tunes, they raise up high While my art, they just pass by [Chorus] [Heavy riff] [Sunset Sonata] [Vocals: Powerful and Defiant] Hidden gems, buried deep Suno's choices, I won't keep Bias clear, a cruel mislead In this digital age, I proceed [Fade] [Outro] [Echoing Refrain] [Fading Sands] [Vocals: Reflective and Resilient] This is my final song, my last refrain With faith in God, I'll rise again I leave behind this biased sphere For true artists, there's no place here [End] Farewell 👋 I harbor no ill feelings and, should you decide to revise your policies to be more inclusive and respectful of different cultures and circumstances, and if you unban my Discord account, please notify me via email. I would be happy to return. 0:00 - Intro 0:43 - Verse 1: Desert Storm 1:03 - Rising Tension 1:14 - Chorus: Sunset Sonata 1:34 - Verse 2: Searing Truths 2:24 - Bridge: Lost Elegy 2:30 - Chorus: Sunset Sonata 3:02 - Solo: Desert Flame 3:42 - Break 3:56 - In Suno's Realm, We Won't Abide 4:03 - Rising Tension 4:13 - Chorus: Sunset Sonata 4:40 - Hidden Gems, Buried Deep 5:02 - Outro: Fading Sands 5:22 - End #Paris2024 #يحيي_السنوار #Shirt #الامن_الوطني #العنايه_المركزه #la_finlande #هشام_الدكيك #شتيغن #Chelsea #المديريه_العامه #ابو_ابراهيم #فنلندا #فيران_توريس #داني_اولمو #Bible #المجلس_العلمي_الاعلي #ليفربول #Arsenal #Alvarez #سيميوني #سفيان_البقالي #Barça #Rodrygo #المكتب_السياسي #Olmo #ايران #تشيلسي #SaharaOccidental #الاباده_الجماعيه #BLACKPINK #Hamas


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

السعودية تعتقل معتمرا عراقيا أهدى عمرته للشهيد إسماعيل هنية! 🚨 | الشيخ عبد الله نهاري Mohammed Mehdi TBER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc4ohyDtzQM في هذا الفيديو الهام، يناقش الشيخ عبد الله نهاري قضية #اعتقال معتمر عراقي في #السعودية بسبب إهدائه عمرته للشهيد إسماعيل #هنية. ويستنكر الشيخ نهاري هذا العمل، ويرى فيه استهدافًا واضحًا لقضية فلسطين والمسجد الأقصى. كما يوجه رسالة قوية للحكام والعلماء العملاء الذين يسعون للتطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني، ويحذر من مغبة التخاذل عن نصرة إخواننا المسلمين في فلسطين. 0:00 مقدمة 0:11 مخططات أعداء الإسلام 1:04 سجن العلماء 2:00 رسالة من القرآن 3:29 تحذير من الفتن 4:52 رسالة عاجلة 6:01 التطبيع 7:41 رسالة للحكام 8:58 رسالة للعلماء العملاء 9:50 خاتمة #مذبحه_الفجر #حفتر #FRAESP #سفيان_رحيمي #Fermin #Imane_Khelif #روسيا #الميداليه_البرونزيه #الاخوه_المصريين #Félicitations #اليوم_الجمعه #Soufiane_Rahimi #Olympics2024Paris #صربيا #ديما_مغرب #منتخب_عربي #ايمان_خليف #فيرمين_لوبيز #المنتخب_المصري #كره_القدم #Pedri #Dani_Olmo #المنتخب_الاول #الأهلي #World_Cup #عيسى_حياتو #الفيفا #Brahim #سفيان_البقالي #سالم_الطويل

سبيل الدموع - ريمكس ميتال - جد السلام والراحة من خلال هذه الأغنية القوية! 🔥 Mohammed Mehdi TBER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNxfv3xzW44 اختبر القوة الخامة والعاطفة لأغنية "سبيل الدموع" في هذا الريمكس الميتال الملحمي! 🎶 ستأخذك هذه النسخة القوية من أغنية محمد المقيط الأصلية في رحلة من التأمل والسلوان. دع النغمات الثقيلة والألحان المرتفعة تغمرك وأنت تجد السلام وسط تحديات الحياة. لا تنس الإعجاب والاشتراك ومشاركة هذا الفيديو مع أصدقائك! 🔔 #موسيقى_الميتال #سبيل_الدموع #محمد_مهدي_التبر #ريمكس_ميتال #موسيقى_عاطفية 0:00 - Intro - المقدمة 0:30 - Verse 1 - المقطع الأول 1:06 - Verse 2 - المقطع الثاني 1:40 - Chorus - اللازمة 2:19 - Bridge - الجسر 3:17 - Verse 3 - المقطع الثالث 3:53 - Verse 4 - المقطع الرابع 4:25 - Lead Solo - عزف منفرد 5:19 - Pre-Outro - ما قبل الخاتمة 5:48 - Outro - الخاتمة SoundCloud: https://ift.tt/wsRoiat Suno: https://ift.tt/bd7Wkej

Unheard Echoes - A Powerful Arabic Metal Song About Injustice on #Suno 🎶 Mohammed Mehdi TBER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeRYAxtJJ_c This song is a final cry from an artist disillusioned by Suno's biased policies. 💔 It highlights the challenges independent artists face in the digital music world, where talented voices are often overlooked in favor of paid, trivial content. 🎶 With powerful Arabic Metal instrumentation and passionate vocals, the song expresses anger and sadness, but also resilience and faith in God. ✊ This is the artist's last song on #Suno, as they choose to leave a platform that doesn't value true artistry. 👋 Listen to the lossy version on Suno and show your support! 🎧🔥➡️ https://ift.tt/9vomY31 [Intro] [Instrumental Build-up] [Arabic Oud Prelude] [Arabic Oud strumming softly, setting an ancient, mysterious tone. A gradual build-up with deep, resonant bass notes and light cymbal touches. The electric guitar joins in with a haunting melody, creating an air of anticipation. The drums kick in with a powerful, rhythmic beat, growing in intensi...